
Baton Rouge Region - Understanding The Connection Between Addiction and Personality Disorders: A Clinical Overview

NASWLA Chapter 0 0

LA25RM_6: "NASW-LA Baton Rouge Region Sponsored Workshop" FREE for Members. Topic: Understanding The Connection Between Addiction and Personality Disorders: A Clinical Overview.  Presented by: Dr. Emily George Tilley, LCSW-BACS, LAC.  This presentation will:  Define addiction and understand its behavioral and neurological basis.  Explain the cycle of addiction and its impact on individuals.  Define personality disorders and their common traits.  Explore how personality disorders may present in individuals with addiction.  Identify clinical strategies for assessment and integrated treatment.  1.50 Clinical hours.  Pre-registration is required to be awarded CEU credit.

Dementia and Ancillary Services

NASWLA Chapter 0 0

This workshop has been approved for 1.00 General hour of continuing education credit.

For more information contact:
ExcelHealth Group  


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