
LA25PDW9:  Introduction to the Enneagram Personality Typology System

NASWLA Chapter 0 0

LA25PDW9:  Introduction to the Enneagram Personality Typology System.  The Enneagram Personality Typology System (EPS) is a map of nine personality types that reveals an individual's faulty coping strategies and the corresponding personal path of growth and fulfillment.  This workshop is an introduction to the nine Enneagram types and their usefulness in psychotherapy.  Participants are encouraged to take the Enneagram assessment prior to the workshop.  The assessment can be accessed free-of-charge at  Please note your top three results for reference during the workshop.  Presented by:  Andrea "Ani" Vidrine, LCSW, Ph.D.  Member $50  /  Nonmember $85.  3.00 Clinical CEU. Pre-registration is required to be awarded CEU credit.

LA25PDW10: The Chemistry of Ethical Self Care

NASWLA Chapter 0 0

LA25PDW10: The Chemistry of Ethical Self Care.  This presentation will review the Core Values and Ethical principals in the NASW Code of Ethics with extra attention on Integrity. We will describe what is meant by "self-care" and discuss how appropriate self-care is paramount to the profession of social work. We will discuss the (bio)chemistry associated with different types of self-care and we will practice self-care methods to be used by social workers and the people they serve.  Presented by:  Lisa Donze Jacob, LCSW.  Member $50  /  Nonmember $85.  3.00 Ethical CEU. Pre-registration is required to be awarded CEU credit.

Dementia and Ancillary Services

NASWLA Chapter 0 0

This workshop has been approved for 1.00 General hour of continuing education credit.

For more information contact:
ExcelHealth Group  


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