
2437: Psychosocial Assessment, the Life Model and Principles of Psychotherapy

NASWLA Chapter 0 0

June 21, 2024; 1:00pm – 4:30pm; Alexandria.  Psychosocial Assessment, the Life Model and Principles of Psychotherapy. The presenter will present the components of a psychosocial assessment and the Life Model of social work practice. The presenter will describe the common elements of successful psychotherapy, models of psychotherapy and psychotherapy modalities. The presenter will discuss the importance of proper diagnoses and supervision in providing psychotherapy. Finally, the presenter will describe psychotherapy as art, not paint by numbers. Presented by: Charles Lee, LCSW-BACS. Member: $50 / Non-Member $85. 3.00 Clinical CEU. Pre-registration is required to be awarded CEU credit. Sign in will begin at 1:00pm end at 1:15pm. Workshop will begin at 1:15pm.

2421: Using the Stages of Change to Help Clients Progress.

NASWLA Chapter 0 0

June 21, 2024; 9:00am - 11:00am; Baton Rouge.  Using the Stages of Change to Help Clients Progress. This presentation will discuss the stages of change as a tool to use in therapy with clients who are struggling to make or maintain changes in behavior. The stages of change model will be presented as a guide to use during therapy with actions in each step that can be taken by the provider to meet the client where they are and help them achieve the goals that they set. Presented by: Kate Lufkin, MSW, DSW, LCSW-BACS.
Member: $35 / Non-Member $65.  2.0 Clinical.

2435: Ethical Principles for Social Workers

NASWLA Chapter 0 0

June 21, 2024; 9:00am – 12:30 pm; Alexandria.  Ethical Principles for Social Workers. The presenter will review ethics guidelines, practice standards, and ethical principles, including competency, confidentiality, dual relationships, and boundary violations. Common ethical problems and violations will be reviewed. Ethical issues relating to technology, social media, and supervision will be presented. Various ethical dilemmas will be presented for discussion Presented by: Charles Lee, LCSW-BACS. Member: $50 / Non-Member $85. 3.00 Ethical CEU. Pre-registration is required to be awarded CEU credit. Sign in will begin at 9:00am end at 9:15am. Workshop will begin at 9:15am. 


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