
LA25PDW4:  Assessment and Treatment of Personality Disorders

NASWLA Chapter 0 0

LA25PDW4:  Assessment and Treatment of Personality Disorders. Presenter will describe the current understanding and unique characteristics of personality Screening for and diagnosing personality disorders, as well as assessing for treatability will be presented.   Finally, treatment approaches will be described along with case examples.   Presented by:  Charles Lee, LCSW-BACS.  Member $50  /  Nonmember $85.  3.00 Clinical CEU. Pre-registration is required to be awarded CEU credit.

Lake Charles Region - Restorative Practices in Schools

NASWLA Chapter 0 0

"NASW-LA Lake Charles Region Sponsored Workshop" FREE for Members. Topic:  Restorative Practices in Schools. Presented by: Matthews-Lavergne Lacitta "Lottie", LMSW, C-SSWS  During this meeting participants will be able to identify: (1) How Restorative Practices help reduce discipline in schools, (2)Ways to build healthy relationships/trust with students and, (3)Develop a safe community support within a school setting.  1.50 Clinical hours.  Pre-registration is required to be awarded CEU credit.

LA25PDW5:  Common Factors in Psychotherapy

NASWLA Chapter 0 0

LA25PDW5:  Common Factors in Psychotherapy.  This presentation will be interactive drawing on shared wisdom of participants. Research information will be used to identify Common Factors that primarily account for change/ benefit in psychotherapy. Participants will be given opportunity to consider how they might emphasize these aspects with the modality used in order to improve effectiveness. Real-time feedback is of great benefit to tailoring treatment to each individual client and has been shown to improve outcomes.  Presented by:  Mark DeBord, LCSW-BACS.  Member $50  /  Nonmember $85.  3.00 Clinical CEU. Pre-registration is required to be awarded CEU credit.

LA25PDW6:  Principles of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

NASWLA Chapter 0 0

LA25PDW6:  Principles of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.  Presenter will review Psychoanalytic and Object Relations Theory, assessing domains of functioning, and psychodynamic formulation.  Stages of ego development and defense mechanisms will be reviewed.  Supportive and uncovering approaches and interventions will be presented with focus on ego-building.  Presented by:  Charles Lee, LCSW-BACS.  Member $50  /  Nonmember $85  3.00 Clinical CEU. Pre-registration is required to be awarded CEU credit.


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