News Letters

Baton Rouge Region - Understanding The Connection Between Addiction and Personality Disorders: A Clinical Overview

NASWLA Chapter 0 0

LA25RM_6: "NASW-LA Baton Rouge Region Sponsored Workshop" FREE for Members. Topic: Understanding The Connection Between Addiction and Personality Disorders: A Clinical Overview.  Presented by: Dr. Emily George Tilley, LCSW-BACS, LAC.  This presentation will:  Define addiction and understand its behavioral and neurological basis.  Explain the cycle of addiction and its impact on individuals.  Define personality disorders and their common traits.  Explore how personality disorders may present in individuals with addiction.  Identify clinical strategies for assessment and integrated treatment.  1.50 Clinical hours.  Pre-registration is required to be awarded CEU credit.

LA25PDW16: Social Work License Exam Prep

NASWLA Chapter 0 0

LA25PDW16:  Social Work License Exam Prep.  Two days of virtual intense classroom instruction designed for the Masters, Advanced Generalist and Clinical Examination levels of the Social Work Licensure Exam.  The exam prep includes the latest revisions to ASWB exams: Overview of Test Construction – Standardized Test-Taking Strategy – Assessment, Diagnosis, and Social Work (Micro, Mezzo, Macro) Intervention Strategy – Models & Methods of Social Work Practice – Human Development – Social Work Values & Ethics – Cultural Awareness-Evidence-Based Practice Strategies & Supervision.  Presented by:  Sophia F. Dziegielewski, Ph.D., LCSW.   Member $195 / Nonmember $250.  10.00 Clinical and 3.00 Ethical CEU. Pre-registration is required to be awarded CEU credit.

LA25PDW15: Legal Basics: Life Care and Estate Planning

NASWLA Chapter 0 0

LA25PDW15: Legal Basics: Life Care and Estate Planning.  Presentation will discuss the legal basics of life care and estate planning including powers of attorney, advanced medical directives, living wills, affidavits of burial, wills and trusts.  Presented by:  Kent Steven DeJean, Juris Doctorate.  Member $25 /  Nonmember $45.  1.50 General CEU. Pre-registration is required to be awarded CEU credit.

LA25PDW14: Difference Between ASD1 and the Rest of the Autistic Spectrum

NASWLA Chapter 0 0

LA25PDW14: Difference Between ASD1 and the Rest of the Autistic Spectrum.  This presentation will provide participants with information regarding the (often confusing) change in nomenclature of Autism as well as providing insight into the struggles that those with the diagnosis face in getting a "correct" diagnosis especially when there are co occurring diagnosis and/or exceptionalities.  Difficulties in the academic setting and in the workplace will also be examined along with some helpful information for aiding this population in their social, academic and employment settings.  Presented by:  Lisa Donze Jacob, LCSW.  Member $50  /  Nonmember $85.   3.00 Clinical CEU. Pre-registration is required to be awarded CEU credit.

LA25PDW13:  The ABCD of Mentally Healthy Conflict Resolution

NASWLA Chapter 0 0

LA25PDW13:  The ABCD of Mentally Healthy Conflict Resolution.  Conflict resolution skills benefit professional and personal relationships across all types of career paths and lifestyles. This presentation explores steps of conflict resolution that garner ethical benefits of increasing the capacity to communicate differences as well as address sensitive issues professionally and effectively. The presentation will engage in mentally healthy conflict resolution steps that will lead in building and sustaining trust and productivity within relationships, teamwork, and the innovative cultivation of ideas, perspectives and standards.  Presented by:  Stephanie Bundle, Ph.D., LMSW, RSW, M.Ed.   Member $50/Nonmember $85. 3.00 Clinical CEU. Pre-registration is required to be awarded CEU credit.


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