News Letters

LA25PDW24:  Deepening the Understanding of the Enneagram Personality Typology System

NASWLA Chapter 0 0

LA25PDW24:  Deepening the Understanding of the Enneagram Personality Typology System.  In this presentation, the focus will be on three key concepts of the Enneagram Personality Typology System (EPS): the three centers of awareness and their association with the triune brain and the three nervous systems, including a trauma-informed perspective; how to integrate the three centers of awareness through transformational practices; how the law of three works in all interactions; and how to assist clients in addressing a disordered need for security, esteem, or control. Presented by:  Andrea "Ani" Vidrine, LCSW, Ph.D.  Member $50  /  Nonmember $85.  3.00 Clinical CEU. Pre-registration is required to be awarded CEU credit.

LA25PDW23:  Common Factors in Psychotherapy

NASWLA Chapter 0 0

LA25PDW23:  Common Factors in Psychotherapy.  This presentation will be interactive drawing on shared wisdom of participants. Research information will be used to identify Common Factors that primarily account for change/ benefit in psychotherapy. Participants will be given opportunity to consider how they might emphasize these aspects with the modality used in order to improve effectiveness. Real-time feedback is of great benefit to tailoring treatment to each individual client and has been shown to improve outcomes.  Presented by:  Mark DeBord, LCSW-BACS.   Member $50  /  Nonmember $85. 3.00 Clinical CEU. Pre-registration is required to be awarded CEU credit.

LA25PDW22: Difference Between ASD1 and the Rest of the Autistic Spectrum

NASWLA Chapter 0 0

LA25PDW22: Difference Between ASD1 and the Rest of the Autistic Spectrum.  This presentation will provide participants with information regarding the (often confusing) change in nomenclature of Autism as well as providing insight into the struggles that those with the diagnosis face in getting a "correct" diagnosis especially when there are co occurring diagnosis and/or exceptionalities.  Difficulties in the academic setting and in the workplace will also be examined along with some helpful information for aiding this population in their social, academic and employment settings.  Presented by:  Lisa Donze Jacob, LCSW.  Member $50  /  Nonmember $85.   3.00 Clinical CEU. Pre-registration is required to be awarded CEU credit.

LA25PDW21:  Common Factors in Psychotherapy.

NASWLA Chapter 0 0

LA25PDW21:  Common Factors in Psychotherapy.  This presentation will be interactive drawing on shared wisdom of participants. Research information will be used to identify Common Factors that primarily account for change/ benefit in psychotherapy. Participants will be given opportunity to consider how they might emphasize these aspects with the modality used in order to improve effectiveness. Real-time feedback is of great benefit to tailoring treatment to each individual client and has been shown to improve outcomes.  Presented by:  Mark DeBord, LCSW-BACS.   Member $50  /  Nonmember $85. 3.00 Clinical CEU. Pre-registration is required to be awarded CEU credit.

LA25PDW20:  It All Starts With Us: Integrating ADEI into Supervision

NASWLA Chapter 0 0

LA25PDW20:  It All Starts With Us: Integrating ADEI into Supervision.  NASW and CSWE have identified antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion (ADEI) as a goal of social work practice and education. For supervisors, it is crucial to understand the concepts of ADEI to guide supervisees into becoming competent practitioners. This workshop provides foundational knowledge of ADEI, promotes cultural humility, and provides guidelines for initiating uncomfortable conversations. A model for cultivating ADEI in supervision will be offered.  Presented by:  Candice Sorapuru, LCSW-BACS.  Member $50  /  Nonmember $85. 3.00 Supervision CEU. Pre-registration is required to be awarded CEU credit.


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