NASW-LA Student Resource Center

NASW and NASW Louisiana connect students with the resources they need for a successful career and gets their professional careers off to the strongest start possible.

NASW realizes student members are the future of the social work profession and need specific resources and information to help them through school and to prepare them for careers in social work. Find great resources and updates below from NASW Louisiana. 

NASW Student Membership

Social work student membership is open to anyone currently enrolled in a CSWE-accredited social work degree program, or a program eligible for candidacy. Eligibility for the BSW and/or MSW student membership category is limited to four years for each degree over the lifetime of membership (does not need to be continuous). Doctoral student membership is for those enrolled in a social work or social welfare program. NASW student members may apply for discounted professional liability insurance for student field placement. 

Learn more about social work student membership

  • BSW and MSW Student Membership annual dues: $60
  • Doctoral Student Membership annual dues: $179

Transitional Membership (Post-Grad)

After graduation, NASW continues to subsidize dues for student members. If you maintain continuous membership, you will be able to take advantage of the transitional category of membership after graduation. BSW student members who maintain continuous membership after graduation automatically enter a two-year transitional period with reduced dues of $94 each year. MSW student members who maintain continuous membership enter a three-year transitional period with reduced dues of $94 in the first and second years, and $143 in the third.

Student Loan Forgiveness

The U.S. Department of Education has created a new call center for borrowers to obtain information about the College Cost Reduction Act of 2007 (H.R. 2669). The number for the Federal Student Aid Information Center is (800) 433-3243. The law forgives outstanding education debt for those persons that meet the eligibility requirements. Those that would benefit are employees that have made 120 monthly payments on their loans while serving full-time in social work in public child or family service agencies, government, nonprofit, military, education, and others areas. The loan forgiveness provisions became effective on October 1, 2007. It is important to note that payments made after October 1, 2007 on an existing loan can count towards the 120 payments if the loan meets certain criteria.

Learning Resources

Grow and Thrive with NASW!

NASW Membership Is Valuable Every Day 

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NEW! Student Resource Guide! 

This guide contains everything you need to know about your student membership benefits, leadership opportunities, Social Work Lobby Day, the NASW-LA Annual State Conference, and much more! Download the guide now to discover more about your membership and the profession, and take advantage of all the resources available to support your journey in social work!